SM Mlekovita

About Company

The MLEKOVITA Group is the largest dairy group in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. It is a Polish company established in 1928, with 100% Polish capital.

MLEKOVITA is successfully building its market position with Dariusz Sapiński, President of the Management Board, and 5,000 qualified employees.

It has been enjoying the trust of customers and setting market trends for over 90 years.

Currently, the company has 25 production plants and 36 distribution centres in Poland and 185 production lines. High-quality milk is supplied to the company by 15 thousand Polish farmers. The company processes 8 million litres of milk per day.

The company is modern and innovative in all areas of its activity.

MLEKOVITA offers products with kosher and HALAL certificates. Production processes are carried out in accordance with the Integrated Management System: FSFC 22000 (including BRC and IFS), ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, which guarantees the highest standard of products.

MLEKOVITA exports over 30% of its production and holds permits for exports to 167 countries.

MLEKOVITA, as a leader in dairy production in Poland, focuses on research and development as well as innovations. Every year, we allocate several dozen million zlotys to new investments, related mainly to production, technical and technological solutions as well as environment friendly activities. The establishment of the Research and Development Centre helps the company maintain its leading position in the domestic market as well as develop and strengthen its position in the international markets. The effects of the Centre’s R&D activities increase the competitiveness of the Cooperative, while helping extend its product offer.

MLEKOVITA, as a market leader, is fully aware of its environmental and social responsibility. It implements the principles of sustainable development. It also takes actions and decisions that are not aimed at short-term profits, but ensure their suitability for future generations.

Global warming and depleting water resources are currently enormous problems that must be gradually prevented. We are aware that the actions we take today will help improve the condition of our planet and will affect future generations. Numerous activities and investments with a beneficial effect on the environment are taken at the plant level.

We invest in our own energy sources. In 2022, energy from our own sources accounted for 18% of the total energy consumed by the Main Plant. MLEKOVITA strives to achieve complete energy independence. We also plan to start distributed energy generation.

MLEKOVITA also attaches great importance to saving water. Production is carried out using as little water as possible. We also have our own water waste treatment plant.

When manufacturing our products, we make sure that everything is done with the minimum use of water, energy and packaging. Moreover, waste segregation is in place at the Plant.

MLEKOVITA continuously invests in technical solutions that help improve the condition of our planet. For many years, we have been striving to protect the environment, as evidenced by the implemented ISO 14001 certificate, which guarantees that our products are environment friendly.

In the future, MLEKOVITA wants to continue to focus on further promotion of its brand, promoting the beneficial effects of dairy products on the human body, and cooperation with milk producers.

Spółdzielnia Mleczarska MLEKOVITA offers customers 1,600 products:


UHT milk and fresh milk

Butter and anhydrous milk fats (AMF)

Cheeses: Dutch, Swiss, English, soft, processed, smoked, steamed, blue, in blocks and packaged

UHT cream and thermised cream

Powdered products (SWP, AWP, DWP, SMP, FCMP, WPC, FFMP, whey permeate, cream, buttermilk)

Yogurts: Skyr, fruit, natural, drinking, Greek

Ice cream

Fermented products (kefir, buttermilk, soured milk)

Cottage cheese, cottage cheese bars

Dairy desserts

Milk drinks

High-protein products

BIO products

Lactose-free products

VEGE products

Our offer includes products in retail and HoReCa packaging.


Contact person:

Agata Wiśniewska

phone +48 86 275 87 24

phone +48 86 275 83 83


Categories of food produced:

Dairy products Dairy products


FSSC 22000, GMP+, Halal, ISO 14001, Kosher, IQNET

Product gallery