About Company


The organisation of fruit producers holding the right to produce/manufacture an apple with the Protected Geographical Indication ’Grójec Apples’.

The Association’s primary objective is to carry out socially useful activities to benefit the general public. The Association initiates and coordinates the marketing activities of fruit producers from the Grójec region and other entities involved in the fruit-growing industry, in particular activities aimed at promoting and increasing the recognition among consumers and producers of the name ‘Grójec Apples’, registered under The European Commission Implementing Regulation No 981/2011 of 30 September 2011 in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications.

The Association organises and supports promotional activities for fruit from the Grójec region and promotional activities to support the region’s development. It promotes high standards in fruit production and distribution, and supports producers from the Grójec region who wish to use the protected geographical indication ‘Grójec Apples’.

The Association aims to promote high standards in fruit production and distribution and implement solutions to improve the quality of the products on offer.

The Association cooperates based on an exchange of experience with public institutions and non-governmental organisations operating in the field covered by the Association’s objectives at the national and international levels. It initiates, organises and conducts publicity campaigns of a social nature. It cooperates with relevant national and foreign organisations to raise consumer awareness of promoting Polish fruit at home and abroad.


Contact person:

Jacek Dębski

mobile +48 882 081 494



Categories of food produced:

Beverages Beverages
Fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables


Protected Geographical Indication, Integrated Manufacturing/Global G.A.P

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