Polska Izba Żywności Ekologicznej

About Company

The Polish Chamber of Organic Food (PIŻE) is an umbrella organisation encompassing the organic food companies, gathering the farmers, producers, processors and retailers of certified organic food and the supporting sectors, including organic cosmetics, cleaning products and environment-friendly packaging. Our mission is to promote healthy lifestyle by educating the society on what is organic food, how its production process looks like and what distinguishes it from conventional food. Each year, we organise the Polish Organic Food Forum – presentations, lectures and debates attended by the experts in ecology and organic food. The Forum is an item in the agenda of the greatest organic food fair organised in Central and Eastern Europe – Bioexpo Warsaw.


Contact person:

Krystyna Radkowska

mobile +48 501 104 087

e-mail: zarzad@pize.info.pl

Categories of food produced:


Product gallery


Ludwika Kickiego 1/u4,
04-373 Warszawa,


mobile +48 501 104 087


e-mail: zarzad@pize.info.pl

FB: https://www.facebook.com/jemyekologicznie

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pize_jemy_eko/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@jemyeko2716