Confectionery cooperative “Roksana”

About Company

“Roksana” confectionery cooperative is a company that has been operating since 1953. In its early years, the company only produced fudge. The central dynamic development, in terms of quantity and variety, took place at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. The current guidelines and activities aim to improve the reproducible quality and aesthetics of the products manufactured. The company has had a HACCP system since 2003 and was awarded IFS certification in 2008. The system is recertified annually. It should be noted that, in addition to the production of confectionery, we are equally focused on the professional and social rehabilitation of disabled people and their full integration into society.


Contact person:

Marcin Piechowiak

phone +48 17 27 65 538


Categories of food produced:

Confectionery Confectionery


IFS quality standard

Product gallery


ul. Mostowa 35
38-100 Strzyzow


phone +48 17 27 65 500
