Food producers

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Polish Food Producers

Coffee Promotion Sp. z o.o.

Coffee Promotion Sp. z o.o.

Coffee Promotion specializes in private label production for domestic and foreign distribution networks. The company's key business is the production of roasted coffee. The technological process begins with obtaini...

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Polska Izba Żywności Ekologicznej

Polska Izba Żywności Ekologicznej

The Polish Chamber of Organic Food (PIŻE) is an umbrella organisation encompassing the organic food companies, gathering the farmers, producers, processors and retailers of certified organic food and the supporting se...

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Maspex B2B

Maspex B2B

Maspex is the largest private Polish company in the food industry  and one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe. The B2B sales department is responsible for cooperation with institutional cust...

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BESTMILK Sp. z o.o.
Dairy products

BESTMILK Sp. z o.o.

The BESTMILK company focuses its activity on the production and trade of raw materials for dairy production. Export accounts for 40% of its turnover. The main part of the company’s turnover is liquid commodities su...

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SM Mlekovita
Dairy products

SM Mlekovita

The MLEKOVITA Group is the largest dairy group in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe. It is a Polish company established in 1928, with 100% Polish capital. MLEKOVITA is successfully building its market position ...

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